When you take up golf, the first thing you quickly realize is that the head covers that come with most golf clubs are ugly, bulky, and don't make you look very cool. Additionally, having a cover that states what your driver is begs someone to come up and take it! It is well within the normal course of business to leave your golf clubs unattended for extended amounts of time before and after a round (particularly if the fun that should happen at the 19th hole does happen). If you are advertising your driver of choice with a fancy schmancy golf club head cover, you are asking for it to get swiped.
If you went to college, have a favorite college team, or have a son or daughter in college, one of the best things you can throw on your golf clubs is your mascot. Representing your school is critical at all times on the golf course, and your alma mater's paraphernalia should never be hidden away.
For example, I went to the University of Kansas. I love that school and follow it closely. I love telling people I'm from there and love letting people know with my gear, specifically my driver head cover. Getting a college golf head cover is the best thing to do. Check mine out!!
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